CDI offers trusted online services and solutions to organizations looking to reduce the headaches, burdens, and costs of self-hosting infrastructure. Is your organization ready to discover the advantage, freedom, and benefits of moving to The Cloud?

Private Cloud Hosting
Is your organization currently hosting your Laserfiche server at your office? Do you wish you could outsource the hosting to reduce time and resources spent managing the server?
If so, you should consider taking advantage of CDI cloud hosting services. Not only will you have the benefit of outsourcing server management to industry experts, but will have the peace of mind knowing that your server is being looked after by professionals who understand Laserfiche and ECM best practices.
CDI will manage necessary updates as they become available and will ensure your server achieves maximum up-time all times. Best of all, your organization will have a single point of contact for both your hosting and general Laserfiche needs. As with all services provided by CDI, the hosting service is competitive and secure. CDI has the experience and know-how to ensure your server is being managed optimally.
There are many reasons to move your server to the cloud; from lowering operating costs and having infinite scalability, to improving integration compatibility. Let CDI help you evaluate your Private Cloud options today.